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Friday, January 6, 2012

What We Do With Money Matters To God

# 651 Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 12:41 “Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much.”

First of all please note that this was a purposeful action on the part of Jesus. He stationed Himself in an area where he could watch people give to the church. What we do with our money matters to God.

Money is the unrighteous mammon spoken of in Lu 16:11 "Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?”

Giving at the temple treasury is very different from the way we give in church today. We typically have an offering plate handed to us in the pew, and we discreetly put in our offering or hide it in an envelope. At the temple there were 13 trumpet shaped receptacles to receive offerings. Think in terms of a toll booth basket catching your coins.

The rich would make quite a racket as they tossed their coins in, the poor barely a tinkle. But there was no hiding what you were giving.

This same Jesus looks down from heaven, every Sunday at the pews in every church in the world and He watches what you give. He is not impressed with the noise of your giving, He is impressed with your heart, and one thing we know, He loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9:7)

What's the mood of your heart when you purpose to give? He's watching. He sees. He cares

Father, let my giving never become mindless, but always generously grateful for what You have provided for me.

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