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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Mother of All Parables

# 328 - Today's Living Word comes from Mr 4:13 And He said to them, "Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?

All the parables? How many parables are there? That in itself is a difficult question. One site that I checked on the internet listed 57 parables, some list more, some less. I think the safest route to determining whether something is considered a parable or not is to simply see if Jesus calls it a parable.

One thing that we can garner from this verse in Mark is that this is the mother of all parables. Jesus point blank says to His followers, that they must understand this parable if they have any hope of understanding the others.

If you're like me, I am often befuddled by the parables of Jesus. The reason I become befuddled is I forget the key to understanding them. What is the key to understanding this parable, so that I may have the key to understanding the other parables?

The key is Jesus. He is what you and I must look for when we read the parables. He is in all of them. He is the presence of God's kingdom among men, and if parables are viewed in that light , then He, His Gospel, His kingdom and it's principles must come to light as we earnestly look for Him. So, when you're stuck on the meaning of a parable. Look for Jesus, His Gospel, His kingdom.

He is in them. He is the key, that unlocks the meaning. The reason unbelievers miss the meaning of parables is simple....they don't have the key....they don't have Jesus.

Got Jesus? It's your only hope for “getting” the parables.

I'm Duane Matz and that's Today's Living Word.

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