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Friday, June 17, 2011

How Do We Turn This Thing Around

# 455 - As I wrap up this look at divorce and remarriage and how they relate to the sin of adultery, there is a great sense of futility. How in the world can we possibly turn this around in our culture and in the church? It is way out of hand! How can we once more make sexuality and marriage what God originally intended it to be? It's going to take resolve and the help of Almighty God.

It's not much different than dealing with the sin of drunkenness. The person who desires to be free from this sin, confesses it as sin, receives God's forgiveness and then resolves with the help of God to remain permanently sober. This is what we must do with this sin. We must recapture the biblical concept of the permanence of marriage. Then we must teach it and model it in our own lives for the next generation.

Understanding the permanence of marriage, and God's restrictions against remarriage after a divorce, forces us to tough it out (with His help) and when the road gets rough, work through our marital problems. Some will have to bite the bullet and live out their lives as singles for the sake of the kingdom of God. But if we, the church won't do what Jesus says to do in His Word, who will?

In this matter of adultery through divorce and remarriage, let me repeat the words of Jesus as HE spoke them to the woman caught in the act of adultery. “I do not condemn you, go and sin no more.” What was He saying here? He was saying I forgive your sin of adultery, but draw a line in the sand in this matter and resolve not to cross it again. Taking these words to heart, is the starting point for turning this situation around.

I'm Duane Matz and that's Today's Living Word

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