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Friday, March 11, 2011

Sounds Like Something Yoda Might Say

# 358 - Today's Living Word comes from Mr 4:40, But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

The Lutheran commentator Lenski, (an expert in the Greek language) renders this passage as follows: “And He said to them, how frightened you are! Have you not yet faith?”

I love the awkward sound of that last statement. It sounds like something Yoda might have said to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. But it's not, it's something Jesus said to His disciples after observing how frightened they were of the raging sea.

The disciples, who were expert seamen had come to an end of their own skills in dealing with the storm. This is the way it often is for us as well. When we come to an end to our own abilities in harrrowing situations, there is nothing left but fear.

So Jesus asks a very pointed question, “Have you not yet faith?” I wonder if He meant, “Have you not TRIED faith?” Have you not yet learned to allow faith to kick in for these types of situations? Is that not what a “not yet” faith would be?

These men all had faith in Jesus, but they had not yet learned to rely on it in all of life's circumstances. Truth be known, we all have some “not yet” faith in us, but the Lord is so loving and merciful that He keeps putting us in places where that faith can be tested, stretched, and grown. Are you in such a place today? Have you tired faith? Have you tried trusting Jesus?

I'm Duane Matz and that's Today's Living Word

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