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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cause and Effect

# 355 - Today's Living Word comes from Mr 4:39, “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.'

Most of the time when we read of this incident in Scripture, we lump the stilling of the wind and the calming of the sea into one action. But look a little closer. Two separate activities are taking place here. He, (1) rebuked the wind and the wind ceased. He, (2) spoke to the sea and there was great calm.

Jesus was dealing with the “cause,” and “effect” of the disciples current circumstances. Think about this, the next time you're at the lake. The slightest breeze sends ripples across the water, and when the winds pick up intensity, the waves pick up their intensity as well.

Jesus could've stopped with calming the wind, the waves would've eventually followed suit, but He also speaks to the sea itself! He dealt with the effects of the wind!

Much of what rages in our souls and consequently breaks out in our attitudes and behaviors is caused by wrong, choices made by us and others. (It's called sin)

Take heart beloved. Jesus wants to deal with more than the causes of your internal storms. (sins) He wants to heal you of their effects. It is His desire and it is within His power to forgive and heal. The Bible puts it this way, He is able to “restore what the crawling, consuming, chewing locust has taken away.” (Joel 2:25)

I'm Duane Matz and that's Today's Living Word

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