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Monday, March 7, 2011

Completely Spent

# 354 - Today's Living Word comes from Mr 4:39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

Most of the time when we read of this incident in Scripture, we lump the stilling of the wind and the calming of the sea into one action. But look a little closer. Two separate activities are taking place here. (1) He rebuked the wind and the wind ceased. (2) He spoke to the sea and there was great calm.

First of all Jesus rebuked the wind. When's the last time you used the word “rebuke,” in a sentence? What does it mean to rebuke? A rebuke can be a strong condemnation, or a gentle warning that forbids something. It also means “to indicate duties or obligations to.”

As its Creator Jesus was indicating to the wind its duty and obligation to obey Him, and He forbade it from blowing. And the wind obeyed immediately and it ceased.

The idea of ceasing here is not just that something stops, but that it relaxes because it is tired. Completely spent. Jesus was telling the wind to “come to an end to itself!”

He invites us to do the same when the storms of life threaten to swamp us. Come to the end of your striving beloved. You are stirring up the waters of your soul unnecessarily. Let go and let God. “Cast your cares upon Him, for he cares for you.” (1 Pet 5:7)

I'm Duane Matz and that's Today's Living Word

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