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Monday, January 23, 2023

Baptism Part 5 What Are You Waiting For?


Good day, I’m Duane Matz and this is Today’s Living Word.


We’ve been spending some time on baptism. In particular looking at the occurrences of baptism in the Book of Acts. We have seen that it is impossible to separate the act of baptism from the presentation of the gospel in this Book. The two always went hand in hand.


And as we have seen, there was always a sense of urgency connected with it, and that’s where I have been headed with this from the get go. Where is the sense of urgency concerning baptism in the church today? I believe this is a question the early church would be asking each one of us!


I don’t care what camp you are in as it relates to baptism. Whether you believe in infant baptism or believers’ baptism. Where is the sense of urgency?


If you are an adherent to believers’ baptism, why do you delay your obedience? Why do you have to go through a class on baptism before you step into the waters. Why do you have to wait for a convenient day on your church calendar to baptize?


Where’s the baptism pool when you come forward to receive Christ and say the sinners prayer?


Considering all the blessings wrapped up in the promises of baptism, why do we put it off for our own convenience sake?


And if you are a proponent of infant baptism, the same questions needs to be asked. If you really believe what God promises to deliver in baptism. Why do you wait?


You set the date around a convenient time for all the guests to be there, but it’s not about the guests! It’s what God intends to bestow upon that child! Why are you waiting?


So we leave this short study on baptism with the words of Ananias ringing in our ears as he spoke to the Apostle Paul! Ac 22:16 'And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.'


I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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