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Thursday, February 1, 2018

# 152 Fill In the Blank

The Book of Genesis Day 152 Ge 18:16 Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on the way. 17 And the LORD said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, Picture the scene. The two angels, along with the Lord, are finished with their meal, and they take a gander towards Sodom, Abraham joins them to send them on their way, when suddenly the Lord stops and turns to the angels and says, , “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?” Imagine that! The Creator of the universe wanting to let a mere human being like Abraham in on what He plans to do in the future! Wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of a relationship with God? How many times have you prayed for revelation from God? How many times have you asked Him to reveal His will to you? Let’s see if we can learn something from Abraham here Remember, Abraham “walked before God,” He lived his life in an awareness of God and a blind trust in His Word“ He didn’t just believe in God, He believed God. He was rightly related to God through this faith and God referred to him as His friend. Jas 2:23 says, “And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called the friend of God.” Through faith in Jesus Christ, we too are friends of God, and He is more than happy to reveal His will to us via the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures! However, that doesn’t mean He will reveal EVERYTHING to us. Quite frankly, I think our minds and hearts couldn’t handle that, this side of heaven! Be mindful of the fact that God reveals what He chooses, to whom He chooses, when He chooses! There are some things that God has chosen NOT to reveal, such as the final Day of Judgment. As His children and friends, we should not be concerned about that. There is so much revelation that He desires to give us in His holy Word that we can spend a lifetime reading it, and still just scratch the surface! Always remember that the Holy Spirit is the perfect teacher and He will reveal things to you at His perfect pace! I want you to go back to v17 and read it again, inserting your name in the place of Abraham. “Shall I hide from ________________ what I am doing?” The answer is no! God will not hide relevant information for you as you prayerfully read the Bible as you “walk before Him.” Be watchful as you read, looking for the things He is calling you to do. Don’t complicate it. They are often simple one word command, like “Love,” “Give,” “Follow”, etc. Respond to them in faith, believing God just as Abraham did and enjoy the journey of the revelations of God! Pray: Lord, thank You for Your personal interest in me. Thank You for your personalized plan of revelation for me. Help me to be patient and careful as I read Your Word, always keeping things in their proper context.

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