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Thursday, February 8, 2018

# 158 Worn Down By the Undrained Swamp

The Book of Genesis Day 158 “Do not be sorry for your body and all its maladies, be sorry for your soul, which must, like Lot, dwell in the Sodom of your flesh.” ……Johann Arndt from “True Christianity” Ge 19:1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. 1 Tim 2:2 tells us to “pray for those who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” One of the things I would encourage you to pray about (especially for those Christians who serve in positions of authority) is what I will call the “Lot Syndrome.” Lot was a civic leader in Sodom. He was not silent on matters concerning the government of the city. We surmise this because when the angels arrived in the city, Lot was sitting in the gate. This is where judgments were handed down and the business of the city was attended to. Further, in verse 9, the men had this to say about Lot, “This one came in to stay a while, and he keeps acting as judge.” Lot engaged the culture! He was down there at city hall trying to make a difference! It wasn’t easy! 2Pe 2:7 tells us that Lot was a righteous man, who was oppressed by the conduct of the wicked, and his soul was tormented daily by what was going on in the city. I have seen this “Lot syndrome” many times in my lifetime. A man or woman runs for office, they get elected on campaign promises with high ideals, and in a matter of time, they get worn down by the system that is in place. (The undrained swamp if you will) Listen, typically, the seats of government are not nice places on the morality scale, and our elected officials are exposed to all sorts of unrighteous behavior. I remember going to Madison, Wisconsin years ago as the guest of an area legislator. I saw the government from an angle, most don’t get to see and I remember vividly my impression of the state capitol. I remember the power, the money, the apparent loose morals, and it shocked me! Good Christian men and women were down there, like Lot, and they were trying to make a difference, but the pressure to conform to the system is tremendous! Things haven’t changed! Pray for them! Pray they would not be “led into temptation.” Pray that the Lord would guard their path, and that He would deliver them from any and all evil that surrounds them. Pray that they would always remember that it is God’s kingdom that is the power and the glory….not their particular seat of government! Lord, we pray for the lawmakers, and judges in the land. Keep them from the corruption that often surrounds them. Raise up godly leaders, who like Lot, will seek to make a difference.

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