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Friday, February 24, 2012

Saturated With Sorrow

# 702 Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 14:34 Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch."

Every living human being has a soul, and the first thing we should note here is that Jesus says, “My soul.” This affirms the incarnation. He has a soul! In His humanity, He is about to enter an unheard of realm of suffering.

No, not just the scourging, whipping, insults, nails, and crucifixion. (That would be bad enough for sure) But His soul was about to take on the full wrath of God against all the sins of the world, past, present, and future. His soul, at this point was rightfully saturated (exceedingly filled) with grief and sorrow.

This moment in Gethsemane was spoken of prophetically several times in the Scriptures: 2Sa 22:6, and Ps 18:5 say, “The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.” This was what Jesus confronted in the garden and this is what saturated His soul with sorrow.

He was sorrowful to the point of wanting to die now, before the cross, before the full wrath of God would come upon Him. Talk about the intensity of spiritual warfare! This was it. Jesus endured this battle for you and I.

Can you imagine such great love for others? “I know You are angry at sin God, but take Your anger out on me instead of them.” If any of us would self-righteously claim that we would be willing to take the wrath of God for someone else's sins, then we have a skewed, mamby pamby view of God's wrath!

Jesus knew what He was getting in to. He is one with the Father and He knows fully well the wrath of God, yet He willingly took it in our place.

Jesus, thank You for enduring in the Garden, and on the cross, that we might escape the wrath of the Father.

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