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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Looking For Loopholes

# 527 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 9:10,11 “ So they kept this word to themselves, questioning what the rising from the dead meant. And they asked Him, saying, "Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"

Put yourself in the disciples position for a while. They had just seen a little heaven on earth, but this experience brings out some questions.

They were especially intrigued by the conversation that took place between Moses, Elijah, and Jesus. We read about it in Luke 9:31, where they “spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”

This decease was about to be accomplished! It was going down soon! What could this mean? How is it possible to “kill” the Son of God? And how can this be “soon,” doesn't Elijah have to return in the flesh first?

There is something very subtle taking place here. The disciples aren't buying into the immediacy of the death of Jesus. In bringing up the “accepted” teaching of the scribes, (Elijah must miraculously appear in the flesh,) they think they may be buying some time for Jesus. In essence, they are looking for a loophole in the Scriptures.

Sometimes, we try to avoid living according to the Father's will by looking for possible loopholes in Scripture. Often, when faced with difficult commands in God's Word, our first response is the same as these apostles, “well what about this scenario or that scenario?”

Beloved, put your scenarios aside and remember what the Father said. “This is My beloved Son, hear Him.“ The word “hear” doesn't just mean in one ear and out the other, it means to heed what you hear.

Father, forgive me for those times when I have sought to disobey or delay my obedience to Your Word as I seek justification through my own interpretation of Your words. Help me to be quick to do Your bidding in all things.

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