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Friday, August 7, 2020

# 103 We Need To Hit the Bullseye....Every Time

# 103 We Need To Hit the Bullseye….Every Time!

Joh 5:39 "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 "But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

The Jews spent much time and effort in searching the Scriptures. This is commendable to a point. The problem arises however when one believes that adherence or obedience to the Scriptures is the pathway to eternal life. Yes, the Bible is a helpful guide in showing us how to live God pleasing lives, but there is only one way to heaven and that’s through Jesus!

Jesus makes the point when He says, “and these (the Scriptures)  are they which testify of Me.” And in order to have eternal life, you must be willing to come to Him! This is the best advice any of us could receive when it comes to interpreting Scripture…..first, look for Jesus! He’s all over every page! Then look for guidance!

Sometimes we get so caught up in our quest for the knowledge of the holy, that we forget that Jesus is the only One who is holy, and we miss the central message of the Bible. That message is summed up for us in Jn 14:6, “Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him!”

God is perfection. He can have no fellowship, (nothing to do with) sin! The Bible tells us to “be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect!”  Searching the Scriptures and trying to follow their guidelines will certainly get us closer to the bullseye of perfection. (It’s better than ignoring them completely)

But our dilemma is this: God’s not interested in near misses! We are to hit the bullseye every single time! Again, the Bible says that if we are guilty on just one point, if we miss the target just once, we are guilty of all! So the Scriptures, the Law, and the Prophets demand perfection and we can do one of three things with that demand:

We can (1) ignore it completely. Or (2) put together a reasonable set of rules with appropriate loopholes, so in our own mind, we will be good enough to be saved. (That’s like moving the target so you get a bullseye every time!) Or (3) We can be broken by the truth that we cannot be good enough, and cry out in despair to Jesus, “Have mercy on me, a sinner!”

This was the plea of the tax collector when he prayed in the temple, and it must be our plea as well. Only Jesus obeyed the Scriptures perfectly. Only Jesus hit the immovable mark perfect every time and when we receive Him as Lord and Savior, God looks at us and sees His Son…..Bullseye! Enter into eternal life!

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