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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

# 33 Shrouded Intimacy

The Book of Genesis Day 33 Ge 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. Adam and Eve have now both tasted of the fruit. They now have intimate knowledge of what is good and what is evil. The Law of God has entered the DNA of mankind, and it is written on the hearts of every conceived human being. Ro 2:15 gives mention of this fact: “who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)” What’s the first thing that their eyes notice, that they had never paid much attention to before? They look at their reproductive organs, which, when you think about it, serve as a picture of intimacy or a joining together of two human beings. So this nibbling of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has somehow revealed to Adam and Eve that intimacy has been tainted. Perfect intimacy with each other has become soiled, and perfect intimacy with God has been marred. What to do? How about covering up these symbols with fig leaves. Perhaps then the imperfections won’t be noticed, and you know, out of sight and out of mind, and we can just continue living as we were before we sinned. This whole scenario is so sad. Adam and Eve were living in a world with perfect intimacy with God, each other, and nature, and now it’s all gone! Maybe, with these coverings on, they might still be able to dwell in intimacy, but alas, perfect intimacy is now shrouded.. You know, we try to do the same thing even today. We go through all sorts of exercises to cover our sins and we think somehow that it’s possible to have “partial intimacy” with God. But Isa 59:2 reminds us: “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear”. We justify our sins, we try to make up for them by being a “good” person in other areas of our lives, but we need to stop kidding ourselves. Intimacy with a holy God can only be restored through a complete absence of sin, and complete absence of sin or righteousness can only be imparted by grace through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ! Fig leaves won’t cut it on judgment Day, only the robe of the righteousness of Christ will suffice. Ro 13:14 says, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” We put on the robe of Christ when we are baptized, Ga 3:27 “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” And we keep Him on through enduring faith! Reflect: Have you ever had an epic fail when trying to patch something up? In what ways do you see people, (maybe even yourself) trying to cover sins? Speaking of heaven, the Apostle Paul writes in 1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.This speaks of restored perfect intimacy. What would be” heavenly” about that? Pray: Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus and the promise of restored intimacy. Forgive us when we sin, and convict us of any and all attempts to cover our sin apart from the death and resurrection of Your Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen

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