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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

# 28 The Cruel Message of Disappointment

The Book of Genesis Day 28 Ge 2: 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. From Sunday School on, we have heard these words, but not many of us stop and ponder the depth of what is being said here! Let’s try to fix that today! So, Adam and Eve are running around naked and weren’t ashamed, what’s the big deal about that? I mean, who needs modesty when there is no one else around? But listen, and this is very important, even if there were thousands of people around at this time, they would not have been ashamed! Remember, this is before sin entered their souls. The nakedness of others would not come into play because as the song goes, “I Only Have Eyes For You!”It was one man, one woman, for life! The word “ashamed” here, means “disappointed.” In this perfect world Adam and Eve were not “disappointed” with each other, but then sin came along, and man’s heart was open to the possibility of disappointment, and you begin to see why clothing was brought into the picture, lest the door to disappointment was blown off its hinges! (A good reminder to all of us to dress modestly, stop stirring up the pot of disappointment in others! This “disappointment” is the cruel message that the unfaithful spouse sends to his or her mate. “I am disappointed with you.” Can there be anything more devastating to another’s self-esteem? Every time a spouse is caught in unfaithfulness, this is screamed into the other spouses ear! Every time a spouse is caught viewing pornography, the message is megaphoned home, and every time a head is caught turning to check out someone alluring, the message is the same. “I am disappointed in you!” Do you see why Jesus said even the lustful look constitutes adultery? It gets back to the truth that the person who is your spouse was made in the image of God. God brought the two of you together and made you one in matrimony. Your marriage is God’s doing and adultery not only says “I’m disappointed in my spouse…..but I’m disappointed in God! Well, what to do? Do what you do with all other sins! Confess them, turn away from them, receive God’s forgiveness, and then like that woman caught in the act of adultery, (being a party to spousal disappointment) go, and sin no more! And what do we do for that spouse who was so deeply hurt? Ask for forgiveness, then live like you mean it. Ask God to help you get back to the original intent of this command. He meant for spouse to become one in body and mind without a thought of being disappointed with each other. Let your spouse know at every opportunity that you are not disappointed with him or her! As the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul in his letter to the Ephesians: Eph 5:28,29, “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” Think this through! The one who commits adultery in mind or body is really saying that they are disappointed with themselves because in marriage, they have been made one with their spouse! It’s just as Solomon wrote in Prov 6:32, “ a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.” Disappointment with each other will come, and the devil is more than eager to go to work in these cases providing opportunities to express that disappointment. Let us battle through them with mutual forgiveness and a commitment to remain one. God would have it no other way! Reflect: Name one of your biggest life disappointments Have you ever experienced a disappointed look or reprimand from someone? How can this verse in Genesis help you in the way you treat your spouse? Pray: Oh God, help us! Help Your married children to stop sending this signal to each other and help us battle through the times that we fall short! Help husbands to stop sending signals that they are disappointed with their wife, and help wives stop sending signals that they are disappointed with their husband, because we are destroying ourselves and each other as we make a mockery of the institution that You love. Amen

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