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Friday, July 19, 2024

Be Intentional


I’m Duane Matz and welcome to Today’s Living Word.


I was reading an article written by Amy Skogerboe in the July edition of “The Lutheran Ambassador,” (a publication of the Association of Free Lutheran Churches) and something that she wrote struck a chord with me.


She said, “as believers, if we are not intentional in seeking biblical truth, we will lean toward the world’s definition without realizing how far off target we’ve gone.”


I can think of no better example than that of birth control. It wasn’t until the 1930’s that protestant churches bought into the policies of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood! We bought into the concept that we could and should control God’s gift of life through means that would bypass God’s natural way of creating it.


That was in the 1930’s, this is 2024 and look how far off target we have strayed! It’s no longer a matter of blocking God’s stated gift and reward of children through birth control, Ps 127:3 reminds us “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward”.

Now it’s the matter of we believe we have the right to kill them  in the womb! Abortion was not legal in this country until 1973, but look how far off target we have veered. Abortion for the masses has become a “fundamental right” and a loudly proclaimed part of party politics.


One party in favor of no holds barred abortion, the other afraid of losing votes continually back-pedaling and softening their stance by putting time limits on when the murder can occur. “Don’t touch that baby after 6 weeks in the womb, but you can end its life before 5 weeks and 6 days.”


Really? Congratulations, you just missed the whole point!


Life is a gift from God. It begins at conception and as a matter of fact He had plans for those lives even before conception as He told Jeremaih in Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;


Thank you, Amy, for the reminder for the followers of Jesus to be more intentional in seeking out the truth as found in God’s Word.  Neglecting that duty will lead to acceptance of and living out of the skewed values of the world rather than the on point values of our Creator.

And as always, I remind you who have condoned or participated in  the act of abortion. “There is no sin that Jesus did not pay for on the cross. Confess it and receive His promised forgiveness, then “Go and sin no more.”



I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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