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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

# 76 The Crusty Dusty Heart

Joh 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men  29 "Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?"  30 Then they went out of the city and came to Him.

What a classic conversion!

The Samaritan woman’s day began like so many other days in her life. Sneaking around to get water at a time of day when she wouldn’t have to face the wagging tongues of her fellow villagers.

But this day would be eternally different……she met Jesus, and everything changed. That’s what happens when Law meets Gospel. Oh she knew the Law and so do you and I.
God’s Law is written  on every human heart. It’s part and parcel of His image in which we have been created! Rom 2:15 reminds us: “who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)”

Ray Comfort in his book, “Revival’s Golden Key,” writes: “The Law makes the sinner thirst for righteousness, that he might live. Its holy light reveals the dust of sin on the table of the human heart, so that the Gospel in the hand of the Spirit can wipe it perfectly clean!”

This woman had a dusty thirsty heart. The Law had been covered up through cultural and personal neglect and Jesus broke through the crust and blew off the dust with His promise of Living Water.

I think of my own personal experience here. I knew the Law! I grew up attending a parochial school. I knew the commandments by heart. I went to church and I heard the Law. I know the gospel was preached too, but for some reason I didn’t really grasp it.

It wasn’t until I had hit rock bottom that I finally listened to what Jesus had been trying to tell me all along. I am a sinner in need of a Savior! It was the Holy Spirit convincing me of my sin, (telling me all I ever did) that caused me to thirst for the forgiveness offered through living faith in Jesus!

It was Jesus meeting me at the well of the Law with His offer of living water that set me free! And you know what I did? I did the same thing the Samaritan woman did. I went into the city, (the place where I lived and worked) and told people what happened to me, and I invited as many people as possible to come and see. Come and meet Jesus!

Some came, some didn’t. Some turned, some didn’t. I am inviting you today! If you have not yet tasted the living water of Jesus come and drink freely and deeply.

Your heart may be crusty and dusty due to cultural and personal indifference, but underneath all that neglect is the Laws of God. You know you have lied at times! You know you have had adulterous thoughts! You know you have stolen! You have coveted what others have! Deep down, you know you are a sinner!

What are you going to do on Judgment Day when you stand before a God who demands perfection in keeping His Law? Your only hope when God asks you why He should let you into heaven is to point at Jesus and say, “I’m with Him.”

Take the Living Water that Jesus is offering you today. Receive Him as Lord and Savior and live!

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