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Thursday, July 2, 2020

# 70 A Cotton Candy Sledge Hammer

Joh 4:16 Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here." 17 The woman answered and said, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You have well said, 'I have no husband,' 18 "for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly." 19 The woman said to Him, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet”

For some reason, people like to paint Jesus as this all loving, never judging, undemanding, mollycoddling, teacher and Savior. They conveniently forget to perceive Him as a prophet!

As a prophet, indeed the greatest prophet, He never tires of thundering the Law at all who hear His voice! Well, thunder might not be the best word. It’s kind of a quiet thunder, a cotton candy sledge hammer approach if you will. Nonetheless, by the time he is done speaking the Law to our hearts, we don’t know what hit us! What we do know is we are sinners in need of His saving grace!

Perhaps this woman at the well’s perception of Jesus is something we need to pay more attention to! She perceived Jesus as One who knew how to apply the Law to her present situation. The keen and relentless application of the Law to the hearts of His listeners was a key part of the prophetic office of Jesus. He constantly applied the Law in order to show the need for His saving grace.

Remember the rich young ruler who came to Him and wanted to know what he had to do to be saved? With keen insight, Jesus opened up the man’s heart and showed him where he fell short in keeping the Law.

The sermon on the Mount was a masterful application of the Law. By the time Jesus was done, there were no saints left! He closed all the loopholes! Why just looking at a woman with lust in your eyes constitutes adultery! Just disliking a person puts you in the category of murderer!

Why does He do that? He applies the Law so that you and I see our desperate plight. We cannot save ourselves! We must turn to Him and trust in Him alone for our salvation because not one of us can stand before a holy God on our own!

Jesus applied the Law to people in very creative ways, but He never watered it down. That’s key for us to remember as well! Proclaim the Word that He has given us! Allow Him to creatively use that word to bring sinners to repentance. And NEVER leave the convicted sinner without hope! Always point them to the cross. Always extend the free gift of forgiveness to them through the preaching of the Gospel!

Yes you are a sinner! You and I have broken the Laws of God and just one breach is enough to condemn us to hell. Therefore, turn to the only One who can save you. The only One who kept the Law perfectly in your stead, turn to Jesus, Lord, Prophet, Savior, King and be saved!

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