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Thursday, June 25, 2020

# 63 Three Witnesses

Joh 4:4 But He needed to go through Samaria.

Jesus needed to go to Samaria. He had a divine appointment with a misinformed sinner who would soon become an informed evangelist! I like the recap of this encounter as told by me Concordia Self-Study Commentary. It says:

“Nicodemus, high-minded Pharisee, ruler and teacher of Israel; John the Baptist, witness, voice, friend of the Bridegroom, a shining lamp in Israel; and third, the woman of Samaria. These are an ill-sorted company, for she was alien to Jewry; No good Jew would set his lip to a Samaritan water jar.

“How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” (Jn 4:9)

She was walled in by sectarian pride and prejudice, “Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself?” (Jn 4:12)

She was hemmed in by a low horizon of physical desires and satisfactions, living with her sixth man. She had a past and present that she preferred not to discuss as she quickly changes the subject when Jesus brings the matter up.  With all this seemingly going against her, she joins the company of witnesses of which John was first.

If the story of Nicodemus shows that nothing less than faith will avail, her story makes it plain that nothing more than faith is needed.”

Let’s allow that last statement to sink in for a moment.  “Nothing less than faith will avail.” In other words, “Nicodemus, all our good works, self-righteousness, growing up in a good Christian home, church attendance, etc, will avail us nothing without a personal faith in Jesus Christ….yet (Samaritan woman,) “nothing more than faith is needed!” In other words it doesn’t matter about your past, your lack of good living, your lack of a good Christian upbringing, you too can be included in the kingdom by simply putting your faith in Christ. He will forgive your past and clean up your future.

Bottom line: Faith matters!

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