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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

# 42 Let's Act On Truth Rather Than Rumor

# 42 Let’s Act On Truth Rather Than Rumor

Joh 3:1 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."

Nicodemus was the only Pharisee who ever came to Jesus one on one. He came at night, likely out of fear of his fellow Pharisees, but this nighttime visit afforded him the opportunity to go one on one with Jesus! It was personal!

We often talk about Jesus as our “personal Lord and Savior,” well, you can’t get much more personal than this!

Nicodemus had heard Jesus teach and observed His miracles. He was intrigued about Jesus and wanted to know more about Him, and unlike many of us, he wanted it straight from the horse’s mouth! I think he left a changed man!

He left more concerned about the truth of God’s Word, than the opinions of man, (most notably his fellow Pharisees) The next time we read of Nicodemus in Scripture is in John 7. The Pharisees had sent officers to arrest Jesus, but they came back empty handed. Their excuse was, “no man ever spoke like this man” (Jn 7:46) The Pharisees answered, “are you also deceived? Have any rulers of the Pharisees believed in Him?” Nicodemus then pipes up with “ I have!” Is that what he said? No! He replies, “Does our law judge a man before it hears Him and knows what He is doing?” In other words,” why don’t you give this guy a chance to speak and tell  us what His motives are. Let’s act on truth, not rumor. Let’s not act on what we THINK. Let’s not condemn on preconceived notions!”

Nicodemus had talked with Jesus. He knew Him personally, and now he challenged the other Pharisees to hear and know Him too! Sounds like a converted soul to me. Notice too, that Nicodemus didn’t confess that he had met secretly with Jesus. (a reminder that fear of man is a constant battle for the believer!) Remember that when fear seeks to silence you. Nicodemus fought through his fears and you can too!

Later, after Jesus had been crucified, Nicodemus was the one who fearlessly came to prepare the body of Jesus for burial. He brought a mixture of myrhh, and aloes, (about 100 pounds) (Jn 19:39)

The 100 pounds is significant because it was the amount used for the burial of a king. In the end, you know for certain that Nicodemus was a believer, acknowledging Jesus as His King!

Friend, come to Jesus…. personally. Hear what He has to say. See what HE is about. Don’t judge Him by what others say. You come! You hear! Believe what HE has to say and it will change you for eternity!

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