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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

# 451 The Prophecy For Asher

The Book of Genesis

Day 451

Ge 49:20 "Bread from Asher shall be rich, And he shall yield royal dainties.

The tribe of Asher would be greatly blessed in their inheritance. They will settle in the very rich seacoast land north of Mt Carmel. They would be famous for their olives and olive oil, yielding royal dainties. Later, Moses would bless them in a similar way in De 33:24,25 “And of Asher he said: "Asher is most blessed of sons; Let him be favored by his brothers, And let him dip his foot in oil.” Your sandals shall be iron and bronze; As your days, so shall your strength be.’

The oil a reference to the olives in Jacob’s original blessing, and the iron and bronze sandals perhaps a reference to a tribe that will be entrenched in their territory and not forced to move. Yes, this tribe was extremely blessed by God!

But then, all the tribes were blessed as they entered their assigned territories in the Promised Land, and let us not forget that ALL tribes were given this warning from God: De 8:10 "When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you.  11 "Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today,”

And of course we all know, that the abundance of the Promised Land was taken away  from Asher and all the other tribes because they indeed turned away from the Lord. I gotta tell you this comparison between the abundance of early Israel, and especially the blessing of Asher reminds me of the United States of America.

There has never been a richer nation in the history of the world. We live in a fertile land, and have never had to move due to being conquered by other nations. We have been strong and prosperous, extremely blessed of God! But it seems that as a nation, we no longer bless God in return. He is far from our thoughts in that we do not keep His commandments.

As a nation, and even in the church we have gone our own way. We have made a mockery of the institution that God loves (marriage) We give no thought to keeping the marriage bed undefiled as fornication and adultery have almost become second nature. We have muddled our God-ordained roles as men and women in leadership, and sexuality.  Resulting in the acceptance of homosexuality and an   outbreak of gender confusion.  Lives of unborn babies, made in the image of God have been tossed away like garbage through legalized abortion.

We have turned God’s created order on its ear!

Have you ever considered that the latest rounds of “bomb cyclones” in our nation’s midsection may be a judgment from God?  Is it possible that God is trying to get our attention regarding our disruption of His created order, by giving us some creation disorder of His own?  Is He trying to draw us to repentance for what we have done to His created order? 

As a nation or the church, we can ignore these occurrences and continue living as we please, or we can use them as a catalyst for repentance, fasting,  with godly sorrow over the sins of our nation.

Lord have mercy on the land! Awaken us! Revive us! Make us a place like Asher again, where the Olive Oil of your sweet Holy Spirit flows once more!

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