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Monday, March 11, 2019

# 419 Joseph Makes Himself Known

The Book of Genesis

Day 419

Ge 45:1 Then Joseph could not restrain himself before all those who stood by him, and he cried out, "Make everyone go out from me!" So no one stood with him while Joseph made himself known to his brothers. 2 And he wept aloud, and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard it.

Joseph can’t stand it anymore. Upon hearing Judah’s willingness to be surety for Benjamin, he realizes that God has done a work in the heart of Judah. I wonder if Joseph knew that it was Judah who convinced his brothers to spare his life in the first place. It was Judah who suggested that they sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites.

Now, Judah had come full circle. And even though he was instrumental in saving Joseph’s life, one has to wonder about his guilty flashbacks over the last 20 years concerning the welfare of his little brother. The guilt of what he had done, gnawing at him often.

Maybe it was this guilt that motivated him to make this impassioned plea on behalf of Benjamin. Judah had been down this road before of abandoning a brother and he wasn’t going to go down that road again if he could help it.  Even if it meant his own freedom in exchange for the freedom of Benjamin, he would do it!

The fact is, Judah has been in his own personal prison ever since that day the Ishmaelites rode off with Joseph in bonds. This incident with Joseph was an opportunity for him to shake some of that guilt. It was a place where he would be able to “bear fruit worthy of repentance. A chance to do the right thing.  His willingness to pay the penalty for Benjamin demonstrated a genuine sorrow over his sin with Joseph that went way beyond mere lip service.

This was a real conversion!

Perhaps this is what finally broke Joseph. He demands that he be left alone with his brothers so he can make himself known to them. And herein lies the lesson for us.

I wonder, have you been burdened with guilt over any past mistakes in your life> Have you been brought to this place of repentance where you have godly sorrow over your sins? It was your sin and my sin that put Jesus on the cross you know, and until we realize that truth, our brother Jesus will not “make Himself known “ to us. Godly sorrow over sin, always precedes the revelation of Jesus , and when He reveals Himself to the penitent sinner, He always says, “I forgive.”

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