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Monday, March 4, 2019

# 414 The Sin of Divination

The Book of Genesis

Day 414

Ge 44:5 'Is not this the one from which my lord drinks, and with which he indeed practices divination? You have done evil in so doing.'"

Did Joseph really practice divination or did the Egyptians just assume that he did because of his ability to interpret dreams? Drinking vessels were often used in the practice of divination in the Egyptian culture. Whether he used it for that purpose or not, is no excuse for us to engage in the practice of divination. That would be like saying, “well Solomon had concubines, why can’t I?” We’ve all heard that adolescent argument before haven’t we? And mother always replied, “Well if Solomon jumps off a cliff will you jump off too?”

The point is divination of any kind is forbidden in Scripture. Okay. What is divination? It is defined as “those attempts to forsee the future or discover knowledge by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.” It would be the modern day equivalent of a psychic reading, a horoscope, or a ouija board to name a few.

Listen to what the Word of God has to say about divination: De 18:10 "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 "or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.  12 "For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you.  13 "You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.  14 "For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you.

We are being barraged on every side by such things in our society today. The internet and social media are rife with invitations to engage in this practice. Even those innocent little quizzes found on Facebook are often gateways to horoscopes. “Glow in the dark,” and cute little pink ouija boards are being marketed to our children, all in the name of fun.

Read that passage in Deuteronomy again, because there is nothing fun in those things that God considers an abomination! If you have been caught up in any of these things, confess it as sin, receive God’s forgiveness, and flee from its practices.

Remember, anything you really need to know about your future can be found in the Word of God, :the more sure prophetic word.” (2 Peter 1:19)

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