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Friday, January 11, 2019

# 378 Start With Humility

The Book of Genesis

Day 378

Ge 41: 32 "And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

We  are taking a little break from the study in Genesis to pursue the importance of repetition in the Scriptures. In particular we are looking at the “verily, verilies” found in the Gospel of John. When God repeats things, He is merely underlining or highlighting them for us. He gives them an extra sense of urgency.

Today we will look at Joh 5:24  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”

Wow! Eternal life is at stake here! Hear the words of Jesus and have faith in the One who sent Him, and you will be free of condemnation and have everlasting life.

I fear that many have never considered this underlined truth of Scripture. Sure, many believe that they will pass from death to life, but they are banking that God is grading on a curve, and since they basically see themselves as a good person, they feel their good will outweigh their bad and GOD will not condemn them as they pass from death to life.

But Jesus sets the record straight here. There is going to be a Judgment Day, truthfully, truthfully, not all people will enter the kingdom of heaven. If you refuse to hear the words of Jesus, if you refuse to have faith in the Father, you will be judged or left out. So the question begs to be asked, are you hearing the words of Jesus? Are you really hearing them? Are you allowing them to penetrate your heart and soul? Are you allowing them to mold you and shape you , more and more into the image of Christ? Are you allowing your opinions to be shaped by Him and His Word, rather than the opinions of Ellen and Oprah? Are you stubbornly clinging to your ways or the ways of the world?

Do you believe in God the Father who sent Jesus and no one else to redeem you? Do you trust Him? Do you believe he will do the things that His Word says He will do?  Then start acting like it!

But you say, “I don’t know where to start?  Good! That’s an important humble confession and a great place to start!  Listen to the words of Ps 25:8,9, “Good and upright is the LORD; Therefore He teaches sinners in the way.  9 The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way.” Then in Ps 25:14, “The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.”

You see, God promises to teach us, to guide us, and to show us, all we have to do is rightly fear Him, reverence Him, acknowledge HIM as God Almighty, instead of YOU god almighty.

Salvation, eternal life is near to those who humbly fear the Lord, for God resists the proud, but gives saving grace to the humble, and aren’t we saved by grace through faith? Faith in the One who sent His Son, that we might hear Him and pass from death into life!

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