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Thursday, October 25, 2018

# 326 The Fearee Instead of the Fearer!

The Book of Genesis

Day 326

Ge 35:5 And they journeyed, and the terror of God was upon the cities that were all around them, and they did not pursue the sons of Jacob.

Jacob is on his way to Bethel because he is fearful that the inhabitants of the land will annihilate he and his household. As he slowly marches on toward Bethel with his small band, he must’ve been wondering, “What gives?” As they travel past the cities of the Canaanites, instead of being greeted by bands of angry warriors, city gates are being slammed shut, window shades are drawn down, people cower in fear as he and his little band traipse by. He must’ve been wondering what mighty conquering warrior was following them, that such fear has struck the hearts of the Canaanites. It wouldn’t surprise me if they themselves didn’t pick up the pace a little bit to make sure they weren’t overtaken by this “terror” that seemed to be following them.

The terror of God is nothing to be trifled with! But why now? Why does God’s promised protection of Jacob show up in this invisible manner? Why this sudden show of strength on behalf of Jacob? I believe 2 Ch 16:9 has a clue: “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

Remember Jacob had just cleaned his house of all the foreign gods that were among them. He removed them and buried them. This display of loyalty on Jacob’s part did not go unnoticed by God!  In fact, God actively searches for it on this earth and rewards it!

Jacob also charged his household to purify themselves. This was the heart act of ridding themselves of any and all divided loyalty and God saw and He acted mightily!

Notice something here: When Jacob had the other gods in his camp, it was he who was afraid, when he turned to God alone, he became the “fearee” instead of the “fearer.”

In this day and age when fear seems to be gripping God’s children all around (Just listen to the latest popular Christian music and you’ll see what I mean) maybe we ought to check our loyalties. Divided loyalty opens the door for fear.

Friend, are you struggling with fear? I know I do, and it usually means that I have divided my loyalty to God, something has inched it way between me and Jesus, and I need to learn to bury my other gods and go all in with Jesus. It must be Jesus and Jesus alone! As we learn to do this, we will become like Jacob, and be the fearee rather than the fearer.

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