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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Another Possible Problem With the Corona-virus

The corona-virus has brought about massive changes in the way we do things, and while social isolation is an effective way of dealing with the pandemic, it can create a whole new set of problems. I want to address one of the possible problems in my devo today.

These are tense times and they will wear on us all as time moves on. We don’t always handle being cooped up with others very well. Frustration ferments, tempers flare, and there is a strong possibility that we could experience a spike in domestic violence.

This was one of the last things on my mind as I spent time in God’s Word this morning, but I cannot deny what I read in the Scriptures and feel compelled to share it with you today.  If that’s not enough, as I was driving home from an oil change this morning, a local radio station was doing a story about the increase in domestic violence during this kind of a health crisis! So I find it necessary to speak up.

Anyway, I was reading in Genesis chapter 31. It’s the story about Jacob finally breaking free from his father-in-law Laban. He had been living with Laban for the past 20 years, and was now leaving with Laban’s two daughters (Leah and Rachel) whom he had taken as wives. Soon they would be returning to Jacob’s homeland and Laban would never see them again.

Now men, you ought to know that it is not fitting to strike or berate your wife for any reason at all. You are to love her as Christ loved the church! You may think that no one will ever find out how you treat your wife, but you would do well to listen to what Laban’s parting words were to Jacob in Gen 31:50. He said, “If you afflict my daughters or if you take other wives besides my daughters – see, God is witness between you and I.”

Do you get it guys? I hope so! Your maltreatment of your wife may be out of view of others, but it is never out of God’s view! He stands as a witness against you. And God has this to say through the Psalmist in Ps 140:12, “I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted.”

God sees, He knows, and He will deal with you justly.

What to do? Repent! Turn from this ungodly behavior! Get help with your anger management because it is never right to strike a woman, a child, or anyone else in a fit of anger! And Laban wasn’t restricting his warning to Jacob to physical violence, the word “afflict” here includes browbeating, which is another way of saying verbal abuse.

One more parting word of advice from the Scriptures.  Remember the hot headed and impetuous Peter? Here’s his advice to husbands: “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Pet 3:7)

Honor your wife, don’t abuse her! Treat her as an extraordinarily valuable and fragile vas one would find in an art gallery, rather than a cheap plastic vase you’d find at Walmart! She’s a vas, not a vase. Learn what that means and treat her accordingly.

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