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Friday, October 31, 2014

The Perfect Storm

491 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from: 2Sa 11:1 It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the people of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. (2 Sam 11:1) Once again we are introduced to a portion of Scripture with the words, “It happened.” These words always tell us that some important events are about to take place. Some very important lessons are about to be taught. Pay attention whenever you see the phrase, “It happened” in Scripture. Even the time of the year is worth mentioning in this instance. First and foremost it was in spring that armies went out to war. The impossible conditions of winter, now passed, armies could move about freely and array themselves for battle. Yes, spring was the time when kings went to war. But, let us not forget that spring is also a season when “Love is in the air.” The sights, the sounds, the aromas, of nature are noticeable everywhere, except on the battlefield. It's when we learn about the birds and the bees just by observing God's creation. Amore is ever placed before us and consequently, thoughts of romance are easily stirred. “But David remained at Jerusalem.” Away from the battlefield and left alone with his thoughts, David is about to become a willing participant in the perfect storm. Conditions are ripe for a nasty fall. Sexual temptation is all around us. It needs no help from the seasons, but there are some steps we can take to guard against our own nasty falls. First of all, don't isolate yourself. The devil roams around like a lion seeking those who have separated themselves from the herd. Keep connected to fellow followers of Christ. Talk with other warriors about those perfect storm conditions that give you trouble. This will help you to more readily identify them, and flee from them when they occur. Decide to remove yourself from those environments that cause you to stumble. Do not be a willing participant in your perfect storm. Get on your horse David and flee sexual immorality! Connect with the troops. Open up to them and find out that you are not alone in your struggles. Then pray up! And let the Lord provide the help you need to overcome! Father, help those today who are fighting sexual temptation. Help them to overcome.

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