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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Twisting the Words of Jesus

# 745- Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 15:29 And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads and saying, "Aha! You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, " Early in His ministry Jesus had cleaned out the temple of moneychangers. The religious rulers were very upset by His actions and asked Him for a sign that would show them he had the right to upset their applecart. “Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (Jn 2:19) Please note how His words have been twisted by these blasphemous unbelievers. They would have Jesus as the one who claimed to destroy the temple, but that's not what He said. He said in effect that if THEY would destroy the temple, He would rebuild it or raise it up in just three days. As unbelievers, they had no clue that the temple sanctuary was a “type” of the Messiah. They had no idea that the very thing they were mocking Him for was taking place before their very eyes. They were destroying the antitype of the temple, and in three days this new temple, the sanctuary for all mankind, would rise from the dead. Unbelievers still twist the Words of Jesus, (the Bible) Lenin once said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." This seems to be the strategy of militant atheists in these Last Days. Don't fall for it. This strategy is as old as the serpent in the Garden, as he whispered to Eve, “Did God really say?” In this day and age of multiple versions of the Scriptures available, it is wise to find a version as close to the original language as possible. I strongly urge you to find such a translation and a Strong's Concordance with the meanings of the original Hebrew and Greek words. These two tools, along with the aid of the Holy Spirit in a faith-quickened heart will help you to reply to these doubt casters with a confident, “It is written,” rather than a , “you might have a point there.”

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