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Friday, April 6, 2012

Psalm 22: Too Much To Overlook

# 741 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 15:24 And when they crucified Him, they divided His garments, casting lots for them to determine what every man should take. 25 Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him. The third hour would be nine o'clock our time. This is the time that Jesus was nailed to the cross and the process of crucifixion began. Two times we read the phrase, “they crucified Him.” We are not given the horrific details of how the crucifixion was actually carried out. The early readers of Scripture would know enough about it so the gory details aren't really necessary. The casting of lots for the clothes of Jesus was nothing unusual, it was a typical practice of the soldiers to do so. What makes this casting of lots special is it adds to the certainty of the truth of God's Word, for it was spoken of in Psalm 22. A Psalm written many years before crucifixion was commonly practiced. The Holy Spirit written details of this Psalm are too much to overlook. Their accuracy, even down to the words spoken by Jesus and the words and actions of those present is astounding! On this Good Friday, take the time to read the gospel accounts of His crucifixion, and be sure to read the 22nd Psalm. After your reading, ask yourself, “Do I really want to keep blowing this off as some sort of a Christian fable, or is Jesus really the Son of God who died for my sins that I might live?” This same Holy Spirit who moved David to pen these words, was now experiencing the crucifixion firsthand. Being God, He saw this coming. May this knowledge strengthen your belief in the veracity of God's Word! And more importantly may it cause you to rethink your relationship with Christ. Father, thank You for Your sure prophetic Word. May it kindle, rekindle, and strengthen any and all where needed today.

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