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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do Something Greater For Me Jesus

# 491 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 8:10,11 “immediately got into the boat with His disciples, and came to the region of Dalmanutha. Then the Pharisees came out and began to dispute with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, testing Him.”

Jesus has crossed the Sea of Galilee with His disciples and they are now back in Pharisee country. It's almost like these Pharisees have been working on a new way to trap Him and discredit Him and they couldn't wait to see Him again. Jesus arrives and the Pharisees come out of the woodwork and begin to dispute with Him.

The word “dispute” here means to question someone through a kind of reasoning that resorts to nitpicking. Jesus had been gone for a while and these Pharisees evidently had some time to pick their nits, and this is what they came up with:

“Never mind all the miracles of healing and deliverance that we have witnessed, do something big in the heavens, something that would make us associate you with God.

“You need to prove Yourself to us Jesus! We've got some pretty big guns in our history! Joshua stopped the sun! Elijah brought fire down from heaven! Samuel brought thunder down to scare the pants off of the Philistines.” Do something like that Jesus, because isn't it reasonable to expect the Messiah to be greater than all the prophets?

How often do we fall into the same trap....”Do something greater for me Jesus! Forgetting that He already did the greatest.....on Calvary.

Father, at those times when my flesh is disappointed in Your performance in my life, help me to remember the old rugged cross. So that I might cling to it and rejoice in it.

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