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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Come To Jesus Part 17 Come Now


I’m Duane Matz and welcome to Today’s Living Word.


Come To Jesus day 17: “Come Now!  Thoughts prompted from the Neuman Hall Devotional booklet “Come To Jesus”  published in 1848!


Your tomorrow is not guaranteed! Perhaps you find yourself thinking, “it will be as easy to repent at any future time as it is today.” This a a most dangerous thought on your part.

IMPRESSIONS OF ALL KINDS WEAR AWAY BY REPITITION, unless they are made permanent by being acted upon.


If you’ve ever lived near a noisy mill, a roaring river, or in a railroad town, you have found that the sound, which at first disturbed you, was afterward, scarcely noticed.


Just so the truths of the Bible may deeply impress the mind, but if those impressions are not cherished, by acting in accordance with them, these truths will affect the mind less and less, till they are heard with total indifference.


Jesus stands at the door and knocks via sermons, books, conversations, consciences, and solemn warnings. (Yes, even in this blog) The sound may at first startle you, but if you do not rise and open the door, it will startle you less tomorrow, till at length, you will not hear it at all.


On the narrow ledges of the steep cliffs of the Yorkshire coast, multitudes of sea fowl, lay their eggs. By gathering these eggs some persons earn a perilous livelihood.


It once happened that a man, having fixed in the ground his iron bar, and having lowered himself down by rope, which was fastened to it, found that, in consequence of the edge of the cliff bending over the part below, he could not reach the narrow ledge where the eggs were deposited, without swinging himself backwards and forwards.


By this means he at last placed his foot on the ledge, but in so doing, lost his grip on the rope. His situation was most dreadful! The sea roared hundreds of feet below. It was impossible to climb up or down. He must soon perish  from want or fall and be dashed to pieces on the rocks.

Every moment he waited his danger increased. He made up his mind. The next time the rope swung towards him, he sprang forwards, seized it, and reached the top to safety.


Sinner! Your salvation is farther off every moment you wait  but Jesus is near to save you. He invites you to  lay hold on Him. Grasp Him by faith, He will not let you go. Come to Jesus, let this be your day of salvation.



I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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