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Friday, June 21, 2024

Anxiety Part 1


I’m Duane Matz and welcome to Today’s Living Word.




I want to spend some time on the matter of anxiety and panic attacks. It’s hard to pinpoint statistics on the rise of anxiety and panic attacks in the general population, but I think the increase is evident, as we take an honest look at the state of mental health in the land. But quite frankly, if you are the one experiencing the panic, who cares about statistics? You want help! You want out of the trash compactor and you want out now!


To my shame, I remember my attitude toward those experiencing panic and anxiety was a rather flippant, “suck it up buttercup,” that is until God blessed me with my own version of panic and anxiety that struck me out of the blue. It was shortly after the church plant that I was pastoring had to close its doors due to a lack of people.


I tried to “suck it up buttercup” but that[s hard to do when you feel like you can’t even breathe! The panic and anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t fly in an airplane, ride an elevator, even ride in a car as a passenger without an urge to flee. It was a terrible season in my life and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone or anyone’s family.


One of the things I learned about panic and anxiety is that it usually strikes those who have lost something or someone close to them. It could be a job, good health, financial setback, the death of a loved one, or in my case, the closing of the church doors.


If these kinds of things are beginning to come into focus in your own life, brace yourself, panic and anxiety are close at hand.


Earlier in this blog I referred to panic attacks and anxiety as a blessing from God. The reason I say that is those who have experienced them have tasted a little bit of hell here on earth. That in itself should chase you into the arms of Jesus!



The anxious and panic stricken are like the rich man who was in the torment of hell. Everything he deemed good had been forever stripped away and he begged Abraham for a drop of water on his tongue, but there would be no relief. No escape! No way out! It is a forever stuck elevator, a plane forever on the tarmac, an eternal MRI1 Panic and anxiety and unrest would now be his forever companion.


Don’t let it be yours! I don’t wish anxiety on anyone, but for me personally, it has driven me in a deeper way to the cross, because I have tasted of panic and anxiety in the here and now I want nothing to do with it in my eternity, and it won’t touch me if I hold on to enduring faith in Jesus


I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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