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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Anxiety Part 3 Phobias


Anxiety Part 3


What causes you to pray, “Father, take this cup from me?” In other words Father I am afraid of this upcoming event in my life. I’m afraid of this exam, this procedure, this flight, this speaking engagement, etc. What do you fear?


Is it death, an MRI, getting trapped in an elevator or a vehicle? Fire? Spiders? Animals? Cancer, Covid, Facing a crowd, speaking into a microphone, A new job, driving in ice and snow, walking on ice and snow, 


What is it that makes your heart pound?


Acrophobia – fear of heights

Arachnaphobia – Fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter

Claustrophobia – fear of tight places

Cyberphobia – fear of computers

Ephebiphobia – fear of teenagers

Glossophobia – fear of speaking in public

Genuphobia – fear of knees

Herpetophobia – fear of reptiles

Hippopotomontrosesquipedaliophobia – fear of long words

Iatrophobia – fear of doctors

Lilapsophobia – fear of tornadoes and hurricanes

Mageirocophobia – fear of cooking

Nyctophobia – fear of the dark

Phobophobia – fear of fears


In all our fears, whatever they may be, we have this word from Ps 56:3 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. If you have a problem with fear and anxiety. I would write that verse in the front of your Bible


Here’s another hint: Talk your fears out with God…audibly – give Him the flight number, the name of the doctor, the weather report, name the spider if you have to!


God won’t tell you to “buck up,” like so many of us are prone to do. Rather He simply and often assures us in His Word to “fear not” and to learn to wait it out with Him by our side.


I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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