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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Good King Hezekiah


The fourth and final king of Judah during the days of Isaiah was King Hezekiah. He took over at the age of 25 and reigned for 29 years and he “did what was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father David did,”


He didn’t make reforms based on the temporary mistakes of his predecessors, he went back to the beginning, back to the way things were when David reigned. The first thing he did was clean house. He cleaned out the temple. He removed all the abuses that had crept in through the years. He once again made the temple a “house of prayer,” as it was always meant to be. It’s the same thing Jesus did when He cleansed the temple and said in Mt 21:13 "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,'

Further, he restored music and singing to the worship practices. 2Ch 29:27 Then Hezekiah commanded them to offer the burnt offering on the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song of the LORD also began, with the trumpets and with the instruments of David king of Israel.  28 So all the assembly worshiped, the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded; all this continued until the burnt offering was finished.

 By the way, let me just say here that if you are involved in the worship service at your local congregation, via playing an instrument or being part of a choir, or a soloist, or a contemporary worship team. You are doing a good and vital service to the church. Never underestimate the importance of your role! And (you worship leaders will understand this) Keep it vertical and the rest of us will follow!

Hezekiah also restored the proper observance of the Passover meal, and that should serve as a reminder to us today, of the importance of participating in the Lord’s Supper.


We’ll continue looking at the reign of Hezekiah next time, but for today, let us remember that the church is to primarily be a house of prayer. A place of two way communication with God. He speaks to us through the declaration of His Word and we respond in worship to Him.

In addition remember the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins as proclaimed at the Lord’s table and do this on a regular basis.

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