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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Fasting Part 12

As we continue our look at biblical fasting, I want to spend some more time on the biblical account of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath.  The widows fast could be called a fast of deprivation. She was willing to deprive herself of some of her food for the sake of another (Elijah)

Elijah asked her to make a SMALL biscuit for him, and then use the rest for herself. If she was willing to do this, he promised her that God would not only feed her, but her household (her kinfolk) as well until the end of the famine.

The widow had a dire need. Do you have a dire need? Have you tried fasting. Have you tried withholding some sensual gratification in order for God to step in and supply? The widow gave up just a little out of her poverty and God blessed her.

Dr. Tony Evans relates the story of a couple from his church who were living in a crowded apartment. They wanted to be able to move into their own home, but couldn’t afford it. So they decided to put this principle of giving to their need to work and trust God, by giving a “little” of what they had (their apartment) to Him.

How did they do that? They purposed in their heart to have people over for dinner 2 times a month. That’s not a lot…..that’s a little. They didn’t have to do that, they were in a sense fasting their time and space to benefit others. While they did this they prayed that God would supply them with a home.

To make a long story short, they wound up in a home three times the size of their apartment, paying less than they had paid for rent. You see they didn’t make the mistake that so many of us make. They didn’t wait for all their ducks to be in a row before they acted. They didn’t say, “When we finally get a house we will open it up for hospitality.” No they sowed to their need with the seed that they had in hand, and we would be wise to learn to do the same.
Of course with “social isolation” in place right now, in the land,  it would be impossible to invite people over for dinner and fellowship, but that doesn’t change the spiritual principal of fasting (giving something up) to a need!

Prov 11:25 says, “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Jesus said in Lk 6:38, “give, and it (The “it” is whatever you give) will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap, 

Gal 6:9,10 says, “And let us not weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. So then as you have opportunity, (even though it’s a little biscuit, or a widow’s mite, or a tiny apartment, or maybe even blessing someone at the drive thru) let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Eph 6:8, says, ““knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord.” (Eph 6:8) Do you get the picture? These are spiritual principles, spiritual truths, things to trust God for by acting on them. Every act of giving to others inevitably involves a withholding of something that could have been spent on you, it is a deprivation, a fast if you will and God promises to respond in kind.  

Father, grant us the faith of the widow of Zarephath. Show us today where we might sow to a need in our own lives.

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