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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How To Treat the Elderly In the Congregation

135 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from 1Ti 5:1 Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, (1 Tim 5:1) Thus far Paul has dealt with things like organizing church leadership, admonitions against false teaching, and reminding Timothy and us of the fundamentals of the faith concerning Jesus Christ. Which must be held and believed by all. These fundamentals of the faith are to be touted by those in positions of leadership and teaching. Beginning here in chapter 5 he starts to give instructions on dealing with the sheep. Not all members become elders and deacons. Not all become teachers. People make up a congregation and these people come in all shapes and sizes. By that I mean some are old some are young, some are widowed, some are slaves, some are slave owners. You get the idea. These guidelines are timeless. Congregations are still made up of young and old, married and unmarried, employee and employer, and we can learn a lot from these instructions. Paul begins with the treatment of the elderly in a congregation. They are to be treated with the utmost respect! Don't tear into them with harsh words, (that's what the word “rebuke” means here. Speak to them as you would to your own father in accordance with the commandment! Le 19:32 says, 'You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the LORD. It's not that an erring senior citizen can't be corrected, but the correction should be done while using the utmost respect. We are told here that we should seek to exhort our senior members of the congregation. Let's face it the senior citizen has the finish line in sight, and the best thing one can do to a racer who is nearing the finish line is to encourage them to finish strong. Got senior citizens in your congregation? Don't ignore them, rather come alongside them with words of encouragement and hope as they near the finish line, remembering that one day you may need those same words of encouragement yourself.

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