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Monday, August 8, 2016

Be A Runner For Jesus

124 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from 1Ti 4:6, “If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed. (1 Tim 4:6) This is a great word for all pastors. Do you want to be a “good minister of Jesus Christ?” The word “minister” here means to be an attendant or to run errands. Get that picture pastor! Be a runner for Jesus! Bring this message and all the messages He has passed along to His hand-picked Apostles to the brethren! This message will not only feed and strengthen the brethren, but once grasped, it will feed and strengthen you as well, as you conform to these teachings. The question begs to be asked, “What teachings is Paul talking about? He must be talking about the six declarations of the creed found in 1 Tim3:16! If you look at the context of this portion of Scripture you can see that Paul is concerned about false teaching rising up in the church, and the way to guard against false teaching is to continue to hammer away at the six fundamentals mentioned in 1 Tim 3:16! These truths about Jesus will nourish the faith of the sheep and the shepherd! Don't forget them! Don't sweep them under the rug or put them in some forgotten corner of the church. Teach them to your children in Sunday School or in children's church! Re-emphasize them to your youth groups and confirmation classes. Make them a regular part of your adult instruction and include them somehow in your worship celebrations! Go ahead pastor! Preach the Bible verse by verse, or use the pericope, or preach a series of messages on relevant topics, but don't forget these basic teachings about Jesus! Our church forefathers crafted catechisms for this very purpose! Dig them up, blow the dust off of them and pass these basic truths found in the creeds of the church along to the brethren. In so doing, you will be considered a “good minister of Jesus Christ.” Pastor. Do you want to hear Jesus say to you on that Last Day, “Well done thy good and faithful servant? Well then be sure you pass these truths along!

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