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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another Take On 666

451 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from: 2Sa 6:13 And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep. Strange isn't it? David decides to stop moving the ark after taking a mere six steps and making an offering to God. Why six? Why not three? Why not seven? 10? 20 ? In biblical numerology, the number six is the number of man. Not “a man,” but man. David stopped at six because that's as far as he dared go without God., and so he sacrificed to God an offering that we could call a peace offering. Now after traveling the distance of man, he invites God into the equation, establishes peace with God through the blood, and is able to move forward to the seventh step and beyond. The number 7 represents among other things, the salvation of God. His number (3) combining with the world's number (4) God connecting to man equals salvation. (7) This would be a good time to talk about the number 666 as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. There is no number that has been given more attention and more attempted explanation than that number. I think we all have our favorite take on this number. My personal favorite is from the biblical commentator R.C.H. Lenski. Without getting overly technical with the Greek language as Lenski does, let me try to sum up his thoughts on this number. Basically he says that the number is a human number, it falls short of the divine number of 777. Armed with that information I think we can say that the number merely represents men without God. To describe man without God as a beast is a pretty safe bet. Don't believe me? Just read Romans 1:21-32, or just look around at a world today that is becoming increasingly godless. Just as David needed to add God to the mix in order to advance to the holy city, so do we. 666 needs to become 777. Man needs to be combined with the Holy Trinity to produce 777 and that happens through God given faith in Jesus Christ. The number 777 and all who bear it belong to God! The number 666 falls short of the glory of God and all who bear fall short of His salvation.

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