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Monday, June 30, 2014

Break the Cycle

420 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from: 2Sa 2:24-28, “Joab and Abishai also pursued Abner. And the sun was going down when they came to the hill of Ammah, which is before Giah by the road to the Wilderness of Gibeon. 25 Now the children of Benjamin gathered together behind Abner and became a unit, and took their stand on top of a hill. 26 Then Abner called to Joab and said, "Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the latter end? How long will it be then until you tell the people to return from pursuing their brethren?" 27 And Joab said, "As God lives, unless you had spoken, surely then by morning all the people would have given up pursuing their brethren." 28 So Joab blew a trumpet; and all the people stood still and did not pursue Israel anymore, nor did they fight anymore. ( 2 Sam 2:24-28) The superior forces of Joab pursue Abner and the Benjamites to the hill of Ammah, where Abner takes up a defensive position. In a last ditch effort to save his neck, he seeks to heap guilt on Joab by asking him how long will he continue to pursue and slay his own brethren? But Joab rightly reminds Abner that he had started it all with his challenge to pit his 12 best men against Joab's. And this is where it gets really incredible. Joab, in spite of sure victory blows the trumpet of retreat! This is not the typical response in a fight that someone else started! Especially since he had the power to crush his enemy! How many times have we uttered the cry, “you started it,” and then went into our retaliation mode of operation. Armed with self-righteousness we seek ways to get even, and crush those who have offended. Usually, a vicious cycle of ongoing retaliation ensues, and hardness of heart and unforgiveness destroys all involved. Pr 17:14 says, “The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts.” How true! No wonder Jesus reminds us in the sermon on the mount to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies, and the Holy Spirit exhorts us to live at peace with others in Rom 12:18. Father help us break any cycles of retaliation in our own lives, and rather let us be instruments of reconciliation.

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