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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jesus' Desire To Connect To Us

# 278 - Today's Du-votional comes from: 1Sa 20:17-19, “Now Jonathan again caused David to vow, because he loved him; for he loved him as he loved his own soul. 18 Then Jonathan said to David, "Tomorrow is the New Moon; and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty. 19 "And when you have stayed three days, go down quickly and come to the place where you hid on the day of the deed; and remain by the stone Ezel. (1 Sam 20:17-19) Charles Spurgeon writes concerning this passage “Which is the “he” and which is the “him” referred to in this verse? Is the “he” David, and the “him” Jonathan; or is the “him” David, and the’ “he” Jonathan! There is the same indefiniteness in the second text, there is a kind of mixing up of the pronouns; and I like that, because a true friend or a true lover is one’s other self; the two persons are so closely joined to one another that they have become one. So our blessed Lord Jesus, who has linked himself with us by many strong ties, would have us link ourselves with him by many ties also." ....Spurgeon I love this commentary because of the picture it paints of the relationship between us and Jesus. Jonathan, like us, always in need of assurances of the love of Christ toward us. And so he asks David to vow again, to give him further assurances, and David is more than happy to oblige. Just as Christ is happy to oblige us with assurances of His desire to be one with us. He does this through His Word of course and through the cross. Who could not look at the cross and not understand the depth of His love for us. But He uses other means as well that seek to give us powerful assurances. There is baptism where we are “buried with Him and raised to new life.” And through which we have literally “put on Christ!” Ga 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Then there is the Lord's Supper where He brings His body and blood to us where among other things our faith is strengthened as we pause and remember what He did for us on the cross. Yes as Spurgeon notes, the Lord Jesus has linked himself to us by many ties,” Revel in them and may they strengthen your faith today. Father, thank You for the numerous ways You seek to assure us of Your unfailing love.

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