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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Attitude Adjustment

# 129 – Today's Du-votional comes from 1Sa 10:9, “So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.” (1 Sam 10:9) As Saul prepares to leave Samuel, God gives him a new heart. What does that look like? I think it is best understood that God gave Saul a new mindset, a new outlook. A new attitude. Saul is about to become king and he is going to have to look at things differently and do things differently. He didn't choose to become king, God chose him, God called him to the task, and this new mindset is the first step that would be necessary to get the job done. God calls no one to a task without equipping them, and it starts with a ready mind and willing heart. How does that look in our world today? Does God still give us new hearts, new mindsets to cope with the callings He places on our lives? Observe motherhood. It is a classic example. See how the mindset of a woman changes when she is with child. Since God is the one who opens the womb, (Gen 30:22) we can say that it is His calling on the mother and she is in need of an attitude adjustment. Her new heart becomes concerned about what she puts into her body. She stops consuming alcohol, she stops smoking, she moves into a “protection” mode for her baby. By the way, not all women embrace this new heart, this new mindset. Their flesh, being what it is, often resists, nonetheless the new heart is present. And for those who have sinned in this regard, remember, God forgives and heals. But it's not just motherhood. God calls us to different things in the seasons of our lives. It could be caring for an in-firmed parent or a spouse, or a change in your own physical status. These new circumstances often call for a new attitude, a new adjustment, a shifting of priorities. Take heart from this passage. God sees. He knows. He called you for such a time as this and He will give you the mindset, the new heart, that you will need to cope.

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