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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thoughts On the Mock Nativity Placed In Madison Wisconsin Yesterday

# 627 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 12:8,9 "So they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard. 9 "Therefore what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the vinedressers, and give the vineyard to others.

Something happened in Madison Wisconsin yesterday that ties in with this particular portion of the parable of the vine-dressers. The Freedom From Religion Foundation placed a mock nativity scene in the capitol building in Madison Wisconsin.

In this parable, we find a “spot on” prophecy from Jesus concerning what the Jews would do with Him. They not only killed Him, but took Him outside the walls (the vineyard) to do it. Blinded by their unbelief, their act proclaimed to the world, “This is what we think of the Son of God.”

What did God (the owner of the vineyard) do? In 70 A.D. He visited the Jews with a most horrific judgment when He destroyed the city of Jerusalem. This destruction of Jerusalem serves as a warning for all who would reject the Son of God, for their eternal fate will be even worse!

Fast forward now to the event in Madison yesterday. Anne Gaylor, the spokesperson for the Freedom From Religion Foundation described their mock nativity as “slightly blasphemous, an irreverent tweak on the Nativity scene,"

In effect, this group was taking their views about Jesus outside their walls and doing the same thing these Jews did to Jesus. They are shouting to the world, “This is what we think of the Son of God!”

I shudder to think of what awaits these people if they do not come to repentance. In the end, it will be far worse than the destruction of Jerusalem.

But we need to remember this: Even as Jesus was being made a public spectacle by the Jews, He prayed for them, “Father forgive them they know not what they do.” This should be our response to these atheists as well.

Pray for them! As long as there is breath in their body, there is hope for them. Atheists CAN be converted. A couple of examples come to mind. C.S. Lewis, and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, and some guy named Duane Matz.

There was a time when we too, “knew not,” but by the grace of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. He came to us and opened our eyes to His truth. May He do the same for Anne Gaylor and others like her.

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