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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sad You Sees

# 634 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 12:18a “Then some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him;

Two camps. Both opposed to Jesus because He was a threat to their status quo. One party, the Pharisees, the pinnacle of biblical orthodoxy in their day, the other. The Sadducees, the pinnacle of biblical liberlaism.

These groups are still with us today, some professing Christians, so rigid with legalism that mercy is trampled to the ground, and others, so liberal with the Word of God that anything goes. The problem is solved when Jesus is truly reigning in one's life.

Today, both camps would claim to have Jesus, but let's be honest. If Jesus were really reigning in our life, mercy would be lifted up, not trampled on. And if Jesus really were reigning in our life, ALL His Word would mean something, and we wouldn't twist it to give license to sin.

The Sadducees were sophisticated, educated, men who like their extreme liberal counterparts of today would deny the miracles of Jesus, the virgin birth, the existence of hell, and yes even the bodily resurrection!

No resurrection?????

Without the resurrection of Christ our faith is futile and we are still in our sins. (1 Cor 15:17) No wonder they were called Sadducees, because without the hope of a bodily resurrection, they were “sad you see.” The hope of a resurrection is the wellspring of Christian joy!

But when we start down the path of questioning that ALL Scripture is God-breathed, the well spring will eventually dry up and we are left with no hope and no joy.

Father guard our hearts from that ploy of the devil, “Did God really say,” give us the faith to embrace Your Word as inerrant and infallible.

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