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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The So-Called Exception For Adultery

# 568 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 10:9 "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

“Let not man separate,” should be all the instruction we need as it concerns marriage and divorce. Don't allow it for any reason.

Well, wait a minute Duane, what about the exception for adultery?

First of all, please note that this exception is only found in the Gospel of Matthew. (Mt 5:31,32, and Mt 19:9) It is not found here in the Gospel of Mark, nor is it found in the Gospel of Luke, nor anywhere else in Scripture.

Why in Matthew and not in the others? The simple explanation is this: Matthew was written with the Jew in mind and Mark and Luke were written with the Gentiles in mind. The Jewish customs of marriage were different than those for the Gentiles And it is in the Jewish tradition of marriage that the exception comes into play..

The Jews were considered married at the time of the engagement, (the betrothal) and this Jewish exception for ending a marriage was granted, only if it was discovered that the bride had been unfaithful prior to the consummation of the marriage. Damaged goods discovered on the wedding night were the only allowance for a divorce. (Dt 22:20,21)

This Jewish custom of marriage was meant to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and believers. We who are believers now, (brides) have been purchased with a price. (Jesus dying on the cross) We are now living in the time of betrothal. The Groom (Jesus) has gone away to prepare a mansion (living quarters) for us. When He returns (Judgment Day) the marriage will be consummated.

Those who are found in the faith upon His return will go on with Him to eternal life, those who lack faith will be given a bill of divorcement and spend eternity in hell.

Father, let me be found faithful when Jesus returns.

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