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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Take Courage


Good day! I’m Duane Matz and this is Today’s Living Word:


It’s been a busy summer for yours truly and I mean that in a good way I’ve had the privilege to fill in pulpits at four different churches and the sermon prep has eaten into my time to prepare my daily blog. I’ve gotten a little break in the action, so let’s get back at it!


The text for today’s blog is found in Mt 14:27 NIV. Jesus is speaking and says, “Take courage! It is I.


The backdrop is the disciples were in very rough water. It was night and suddenly Jesus approaches the boat, walking on the water! This was a new one on the disciples and they thought they were seeing a ghost! The Bible says “they cried out in fear,” and this was Jesus’ reply. “Take courage, it is I.”


Let me ask you something. Has anyone ever lived who had as much courage as Jesus! I don’t think so. He squared off against sin and called it out. He squared off against self-righteousness. He squared off against the devil himself, and HE squared off against the cross! Jesus is loaded with courage, and in our text, He invites His disciples to help themselves to whatever measure they need!


“Take courage! He says, It is I!”


He invites you and I to do the same. What are you squaring off against these days? An unplanned pregnancy? Take courage, Jesus will give you what you need to carry that baby to term.


Pressure from that boyfriend of girlfriend to engage in premarital sex? Take courage from Jesus and remain chaste.


Do you need courage to speak up against a wrong, or courage to share your faith with someone. Take courage from Jesus and speak the truth in love.


Perhaps you received bad news concerning your health, your finances. Take courage from Jesus as He offers it to you freely!

No matter what you are facing today, Take courage! Jesus has a boatload of it and HE invites you to take of it freely!

I’m Duane Matz, and that’s Today’s Living Word.

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