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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Temptation Sucking You In? Cry Out To Jesus!

166 - Today's Prime Time Devo comes from 1Ti 6:9, “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. (1 Tim 6:9,) I have a squirrel problem. They are thriving in my yard and they are thriving on my fruit trees and vegetable garden. So I bought a trap. It works great. I put some peanuts in the back of the cage, the squirrels enter the cage to get the peanuts and the door slams shut behind them. After a while they got wise to it and refused to enter the trap, so I sprinkled some peanuts along the way leading them into the trap and they eat the trail of nuts all the way to their capture. Pr 6:10 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep- 11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man. This is the way of those who are disposed to accumulating goods and money. They are consumed by it, they reach for it every chance they get. Unlike the squirrels I trap and release, this preoccupation with accumulating wealth ultimately leads to destruction and perdition. You cannot serve God and mammon. The word “temptation” here is interesting. It means the deep sea or open sea. Imagine falling into the deep and open sea without a life jacket. Little old you against the massive sea. You are caught up in something from which there is no escape. The deep keeps calling to you desiring to overwhelm and consume you by drowning. This is what will happen to those whose mind is occupied with accumulating goods and wealth! Those who worship mammon rather than God! They end up with all the other spiritual pirates in Davey Jones locker! Only this perdition is not wet, it is the hell that Judas found himself in for thirty lousy pieces of silver! What to do? It is so easy to fall into this trap! I want you to think of Peter. The only man other than Jesus to experience walking above temptation (the deep sea if you will) when Jesus invited him to come to him on the water. What happened? Fear overcame him and he slipped into the depths of the sea! Is this not the way of temptation? Fear opens the door and down we go into the depths! Were it not for Jesus reaching out to Peter and pulling him out, he would've been lost! What did Peter do when he got caught up in the sea? The same thing you and I should do when we get caught up in temptation. He cried out to Jesus, “Lord save me!” Temptation sucking you in? Swirling in the depths? Cry out to Jesus!

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