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Monday, August 12, 2013

This Is Not Some Superficially Sanitized Book

# 224 - Today's Du-votional comes from: 1Sa 15:31 So Samuel turned back after Saul, and Saul worshiped the LORD. 32 Then Samuel said, "Bring Agag king of the Amalekites here to me." So Agag came to him cautiously. And Agag said, "Surely the bitterness of death is past." 33 But Samuel said, "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." And Samuel hacked Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal. (1 Sam 15:31-33) This is one of those times when you almost want to give a warning about the content of the material being read because of the graphic nature of the material, but this IS the Word of God and the Holy Spirit has included it here for a reason. One thing about the Bible, it tells it like it is, even when it's not very pretty. This is not some superficially sanitized book. It contains accounts of messy people in a messy world that need to be sanitized by the redemptive work of Christ. So, what's going on here? First Samuel tells Saul he won't return with him (v26) and now he does indeed return with him. Samuel has pronounced an irrevocable judgment against Saul. The kingdom will be stripped away from him, but it has not been stripped away yet, the new king David) has not been anointed. So Samuel returns with Saul for the sake of order and for the sake of the people. Saul is still their king. But Samuel also has some unfinished business to take care of with King Agag. Since Saul failed to do his duty in this regard Samuel would now take care of it. King Agag is not happy to see Samuel and he approaches him as if walking on eggs, and says in effect, “Hey Samuel, let's let bygones be bygones.”. But Samuel says, "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." and he hacked Agag to pieces. This seems unnecessarily brutal to you and I, but it was done for effect, that you and I might know the horrific judgment of hell that awaits any and all unrepentant sinners. Samuel is a type of Christ and when Jesus returns He will deal with the unrepentant, casting their souls to hell, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth forever! Friend, this is a reality that we need to grasp in order to give us a sense of urgency, as we seek to be fishers of men. With this gruesome scripture ringing in my ears, I can't help but think about the abortionist here. Those who today, engage in making women childless by the sword. I have no idea of what their final judgment will be, but the picture of Agag given to us here is very frightening. Pray for those involved in the killing industry of abortion. Pray also for those who have rejected Christ, for unless they repent, their end is as gruesome as Agag's. And above all, never forget beloved, if you have participated in this act, there is no sin, that Jesus did not pay for on Calvary and He promises forgiveness and eternal life to all who come to Him with a contrite heart. Come to Jesus. He forgives and heals.

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