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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Unity of the Law, Prophets, and Gospel

# 524 - Today's Du-votional comes from: Mr 9:4 And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

How would you like to have been privy to this conversation? Well, you can, just turn to Luke's account of this event. In Luke 9:31 we read that they, “spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”

First of all, note that all three of the disciples are hearing talk of the decease of Jesus AGAIN. Jesus had just mentioned it before their trip up the mountain and now they hear it AGAIN. God wants them to get this! He wants the world to get this! It was necessary for Jesus to die for our sins! It is the only way that a perfectly just and perfectly loving God could allow for sinful man to re-obtain Paradise. The wages of sin is death, and as the classic hymn says, “Jesus paid it all!”

But why Moses? Why Elijah? Because they represent the Law and the Prophets. They represent the Old Testament Word of God, and this incident shows us that this Word is in agreement with the mission of Jesus. A careful reading of the Old Testament will always point to the sacrificial death of Jesus and His glorious resurrection.

In essence, the Old Testament points to Joh 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

The Law, the Prophets, and the Gospel....all tied together in unity on top of the mountain of transfiguration so we won't miss this message sent to us by the Father.

Father, thank You for letting us eavesdrop on this heavenly conversation. May it serve as a reminder to me of the cost that Jesus paid for my sins.

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