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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hunger For His Touch

# 289 - Today's Living Word comes from Mr 3:7-9 “ But Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the sea. And a great multitude from Galilee followed Him, and from Judea and Jerusalem and Idumea and beyond the Jordan; and those from Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they heard how many things He was doing, came to Him. And HE told His disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for Him because of the multitude, lest they should crush Him.”

While the Pharisees and Herodians are off plotting to destroy Jesus, He and His disciples hop into a boat on the Sea of Galilee so that they would be out of harms way.

The Pharisees have HAD enough of Him, but the people can't GET enough of Him, and they follow Him from shore. The word was out and the Holy Spirit's mere mention of all these different places tells us that people came from all over to experience the touch of Jesus.

Can you blame them? The lame were walking, the deaf were hearing, the blind were seeing, people imprisoned in their own bodies by demons were being set free!

These people were focused, determined. They were willing to stumble around a very large lake just for His touch. How far are you willing to go for a spiritual touch from Jesus?

Knowing His love, knowing His power, knowing His wisdom, that comes to us through the digesting of His Word, I am amazed at how easily our flesh wins the battle of skipping daily quiet time in His Word.

Keith Green sang a very convicting song about the apathetic church many years ago called “Asleep In the Light,” and one of the lines of the song was this: “How can you be so dead, when you've been so well fed? Jesus rose from the grave and you, you can't even get out of bed.”

May I encourage you today to set your alarm just fifteen minutes earlier every day, then get up and find a quiet spot in your house where you can curl up with a cup of coffee, a Bible, a notebook, and Jesus.

It takes just 40 days to establish a habit, and you'll be amazed at the difference this habit will make in your life. He's not asking us to stumble around a lake to meet with Him.......just stumble out of bed.

I’m Duane Matz and that’s today’s Living Word.

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