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Monday, September 20, 2010

Useful Fire

# 229 Today’s Living Word comes from Mark 1:13 “...and the angels ministered to Him.”

In His humanity, Jesus was likely exhausted after experiencing forty days of every temptation imaginable from Satan and so the Father sends the “royal valets” to minister to His Son.

Do you know that as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, these same “royal valets” minister to your needs? Hebrew 1:14 says, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”

In the Old Testament, it was an angel who went before Abraham’s servant to guarantee that he would prosper in his search for a wife for Isaac. (Genesis 24:40)

In Psalm 91:9,and 11 we read that God gives His angels charge over all those who take refuge in Him, to keep them in all their ways.

In Psalm 104:4 we read that the angels are His ministers, a flame of fire.” Now, fire can be destructive or constructive and isn’t it great to know that God will use His royal valets, His angels, as useful fire in your life? You may never see them, but they are at His beck and call, taking care of His kingdom business, protecting you, keeping you, and prospering you for the sake of His kingdom purposes for your life.

I’m Duane Matz and that’s today’s Living Word.

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