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Friday, May 17, 2024

Come To Jesus Part 8 Heaven


I’m Duane Matz and welcome to Today’s Living Word.

Come To Jesus day 8: That You May Enter Heaven….Come! From the Neuman Hall Devotional booklet “Come To Jesus”  published in 1848!


It has been said (and I think rightly) that for the unbeliever, this life is the only heaven he or she will ever experience. Hell is an eternal environment where any shred of goodness is forever absent.


In today’s edition of Come To Jesus, Neuman zeroes in on the myriad bliss and joys of heaven: “How delightful is the description that the Bible gives of heaven!


We are told that sickness, sorrow, and death never enter there; that cares, fears, and anxieties are never felt there; that poverty, privation, unkindness and disappointment are never known there.


The glorified, incorruptible body will never experience pain, weariness, or decay. Old age will never enfeeble, for there will be perpetual youth; and death will never snatch away those we love.


Hearts will be full of perfect love of God and one another. All the good men and women of faith in the former ages will be there; the martyrs, the prophets, the apostles. And very likely, those who had a part in leading you to Christ!

In heaven, “they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” “In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His righthand are pleasures forevermore!”


Reader, listener, this heaven may be thine! Jesus keeps the door, but He has opened it wide for all sinners to enter! He is the door! He is the ONLY Door, but He invites you to come!


However guilty and vile you are and have been, heaven may and certainly be yours if you but come.


I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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